Greens Growing Guide

I just love greens!  Lately i have realized that i love eating baby greens more than the full size greens. I don't mean microgreens.  I mean baby as in when they are 3-6" tall.  I eat them with everything.  I add them to ramen bowls, rice, eggs, noodles.  Most of the...

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Growing Herbs

So I thought I would clarify a few things about herbs.  Some herbs, such as sweet basil and cilantro are annuals.  That means they will go to seed at some point during the season.  When this happens the plants usually stop growing new leaves.  Many things can trigger...

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Hardening Off Transplants

Hardening off TransplantsHardening off transplants for the garden (outside) As your starts begin maturing, bearing their “true” leaves, we know the time is drawing near to transplant. Transplanting can be stressful for growers because it is common to lose plants to...

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Crop Rotation Guide

Here is a very easy to follow crop rotation guide. Each season we should plant something different than the crop before. Crop rotation helps with overwintering pests and keeping the soil healthy.  The different types of crops attract certain bugs, by not planting...

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October Gardening

October is the month! For what? Planting out just about ALL fall/winter crops. Actually if you planted as early as I did you are harvesting some stuff now! I have been bringing in sugar snap peas, cucumbers, zucchini, radishes, small celery, kale and some lettuce. My...

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The importance of “Good Soil”.

I can't stress enough how important the soil is in organic gardening. The question I get the most is about what kind of soil to use.  There are many different types out there so it can be quite confusing.  I am going to assume I am talking to organic...

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Vegetable Container Garden Guide

Vegetable Container Garden Planting Guide Don't have the room for a traditional or raised bed garden?  Grow in containers!   Here is a handy guide to help get you on your way.  Just fill the container with a good organic potting soil and get growing....

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Time to Plan Our Spring /Summer Gardens!

Today I sat down and drew up my Spring/Summer garden plan.  I suggest everyone that will be having a garden do the same, Soon! Here is what I use:  List of what I want to grow and how many of each.   Florida Planting Guide.   Drawn out sketch of...

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Fall Garden Guide

Fall / Winter Garden Guide Since we have a Spring and Fall growing season here, I find I need to have Spring and Fall garden beds.  What I mean is some of my Spring crops are still in when I am ready to plant for late Summer and Fall.  The same goes for my...

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Plant Most Fall Crops Now Thru September

It's Time to Plant Fall Crops! Yes it is still hot outside.  As we get into September we start to lose daylight.  For plants to have enough light to grow they need to be planted at the right time.  They may need some shade at first to adapt, which can...

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Companion Planting Chart

Companion Planting Guide When planning your garden it's a good idea to plant good garden communities. This is the whole concept behind companion planting. It's true that certain plants grown close to each other help each other and the opposite also...

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Germination Chart

Germination Chart      (Days to germinate are for optimal conditions)   Type OPTIMUM SOIL TEMPERATURE FOR GERMINATION DAYS TO GERMINATE AT OPTIMUM SOIL TEMPERATURE  Bean, lima  85 degrees F  7 to 10 days...

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Florida Plant Hardiness Zone Map

New updated 2023 Florida Vegetable Gardening Plant Hardiness Zone Map Use this to determine your zone when Planning out your garden. Then go to the Florida Planting Guide for planting out dates.  Remeber this is Not perfect, we still need to pay attention to the...

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Container Gardening

Growing vegetables in containers If you’re limited on space, containers are the way to go You can grow a variety of vegetables in them. One reason is containers come in any size and shape you could imagine. When choosing one keep in mind the room needed for...

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Spring/Summer Garden Guide

I just love this time of year. The process of selecting all the different types of veggies I'm going to plant and imagining myself out there reaping the harvests! If, like me, you start your own seeds, you have the added benefit of starting your...

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Raised Beds Garden Plot

Raised Bed Gardens You can buy or build your own raised beds I built my own out of wood. You don't want to use pressure treated wood because the chemical they use to treat it will seep into the garden. A lot of hardware and department stores sell kits now that have...

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Drawing Up Your Plan

Planning your garden is planning for success! With the help of the Florida Yearly Planting Schedule and Seed Starting chart figure out what you are going to grow and when. Once you have done that, you should draw out what you are going to put and...

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