The other day when I was deciding what to make for dinner, I realized just how much food I grow.

That’s what gave me the idea for this post.  While I was looking around, this is what I came across:

In my pantry I had, white potatoes, red potatoes, sweet potatoes, butternut and seminole squash, ginger and canned tomatoes.  In the freezer I had, broccoli, green beans, soups and carrots.  In the refrigerator I had, pickled peppers, hot sauce, pepper jelly, pickles, pickled radishes and carrots, pickled eggplant, sauerkraut, green tomato chow chow.  In the crisper I had broccoli, scallions, carrots, cabbage, turnips, and onions.  I am sure i forgot something too.  Oh, the fresh herbs for one thing.

When I think of all the things that don’t do well and I get upset over, I need to remind myself of all the food I do get!  I rarely need anything from the produce section!  That saves a lot of money when you add it up..If I had more time to can things and not jus pickle them and put them in the frig, I would have even more!  

This can all be done in a few raised beds or small garden plots.  I eat from my garden everyday and almost every meal!  I hope this is encouraging to everyone, and when we think of all the work we put in to our garden we step back and appreciate all it gives us!