Homemade Organic Compost

To keep it organic use ONLY organic material.

  • Start with an old clean or new round trash can with lid.
  • Drill 1 inch holes about half way up and just under lid every 6” all the way around.
  • Drill a few ½” holes in the bottom.
  • Place trash can on top of 2 cylinder bocks or bricks for drainage.
  • Fill with 50% green material—50% brown material layered or mixed evenly.
  • Water if needed to keep moist not sopping.
  • Roll can once a week to mix.

Let sit for a few months or longer till it looks like rich black dirt. It should not smell bad. If it does it is probably to wet or too much green material. I use produce scraps even if not organic because after sitting and heating up most toxins dissipate. Having 2 going is a good idea that way one can sit and the other you continue to add to. I also go to empty lots to get dry stuff because they have never been built or lived on. Green material is moist, coffee grinds & filter, tea bags, green grass clippings, produce scraps etc. Brown is dry, dry grass, leaves, branches chopped etc. Try to cut or chop, the more you do the faster they break down.