Fall / Winter Garden Guide

Since we have a Spring and Fall growing season here, I find I need to have Spring and Fall garden beds.  What I mean is some of my spring crops are still in when I am ready to plant for late Summer and Fall.  The same goes for my Fall and Winter crops. Especially the types I save for seed since they are in a lot longer than normally harvested. To accommodate that problem I have separate beds for the seasons and rotate crops. If you have the room and want to get the most out of our growing seasons it is a good idea.

For those of us here in zone 9a,9b this is what we should be doing and when. For Northern and Southern Florida adjust dates accordingly.  For full gardening guides and more help see Florida Planting ScheduleGermination ChartSeed Starting, and Companian planting chart. Our plant out dates vary with these crops so they are listed with each type.

July and August

Start cleaning out old crops and debris.  If you are starting anything from seed and don’t have them yet, GET THEM!

Not starting or having your seeds on time will throw off your whole schedule. 1 to 2 months before planting out you can work in not completely broke down organic matter such as compost, manure, leaves, leaf mold, etc. 2-3 weeks or closer to planting date it must be completely composted.

Draw up your garden plan

Decide where you are going to put which crop. Taller plants should go on the north side so they don’t block the sun from lower crops. Use the companion planting chart to help with placement, the Florida Planting Guide for spacing and the Drawing up your Plan page for layout.

Companion planting is very beneficial in keeping pests under control and putting back nutrients for one that the other is taking and visa versa.

Start your seeds!

Here are the dates for the most popular crops. For those not listed see the Florida Planting Guide.

July – August
Tomato and pepper – Plant out mid August – September

Mid July

Broccoli (plant out beginning Sept.), Cabbage, Swiss Chard, Kale, Beans (bush & pole) – Plant out any time mid August through January

Lettuce (start indoors if temps are above 80 degrees. Can be continually planted through March), Peas (mid Aug.) Cucumbers, Winter Squash – Plant out beginning of September. Cauliflower plant out mid to end of Sept. All here except cauliflower can be direct seeded in September or transplanted.

Radish, carrots, beets All can be direct seeded in place through March.