Vegetable Growing Guides
Growing Borage
Growing Borage (Borago officinalis) A delightful annual herb known for its bushy growth and vibrant, edible bright blue flowers. This versatile plant serves as a magnet for bumble bee pollinators in garden plots. Borage offers a range of culinary and medicinal...
Greens Growing Guide
I just love greens! Lately i have realized that i love eating baby greens more than the full size greens. I don't mean microgreens. I mean baby as in when they are 3-6" tall. I eat them with everything. I add them to ramen bowls, rice, eggs, noodles. Most of the...
Growing Turmeric
Growing Turmeric Attain turmeric root Turmeric doesn’t propagate seeds and is grown from rhizomes (root cuttings). Therefore, all you need is one organic turmeric root, which you can buy at a local nursery or online. Break up the rhizome Break off the fingers...
Growing Florida Cranberry (Roselle)
Recipes Roselle Jam Ingredients: Rosellas Sugar Water 1 teaspoon of butter The juice of 1 lemon The Recipe: Separate red calyxes from the seedpods Wash and drain each seperately. In a saucepan, add seeds and water until the seeds are just covered. Tip: (Add a little...
Squash, Pumpkin Zucchini Growing Guide
In Florida we plant out summer squash (yellow squash, zucchini) Feb. - March and Aug. - Sept. Winter squash (pumpkin, butternut) Feb. - March and Aug. *See Planting Guide for more specific dates for your location How to...
Growing – Harvesting Potatoes
Growing Spinach
Growing Spinach Soil Spinach prefers a well draining soil with a neutral pH and won’t be happy in a pH lower than 6.0. Because it is such a fast grower, it is also a heavy feeder. A fertilizer high in nitrogen, the first number on the fertilizer package, will help...
Growing Peppers
Start seeds indoors 8-10 weeks before last frost. (usually mid Jan. in zone 9) see How to start seeds Germination temperature: 80-85 degrees 6-21 days to germinate (moisture & temperature could effect germination times)...
Growing Lettuce
Growing Lettuce Germination Notes Lettuce fails to germinate at temperatures above 80 degrees. To grow lettuce during hot weather, start indoors at 70-75 degrees for good germination. Grow indoors 4 weeks or so....
Growing Cucumbers
Growing Cucumbers Direct seed or start indoors 3 weeks before last frost. Germination temperature 75-85 degrees. Sow ½”-1” deep. Space 36” on ground (not recommended), or trellis 6-12” apart. Full sun....
Growing Tomatoes
Growing Tomatoes Start seeds in sterile seed starting mix, 6-8 weeks before plant out date. See Seed Starting Germination temperature 75-85 degrees 6-14 days for germination. Transplant to 3-4” pot after first set of true leaves appear. Keep under Lights to prevent...
Growing Potatoes
You can order seed potato pieces from an online catalog, but i use store bought organic potatoes and they do just fine. This is what I do. If I can find some potatoes that are already growing sprouts I will buy those. But if not I buy whatever kind of...
Growing Ginger
Type- yellow common ginger Ginger loves: sheltered spot from wind, filtered sunlight or indirect, warm weather, humidity and rich moist soil. Doesn’t like: frost, direct sun, strong winds, soggy wet soil. When to plant: Plant rhizome pieces (part with...
Growing Sweet Potatoes
Growing Sweet potatoes Planting & Growing from Slips. Sweet potato grown from slips generally need at least 4 months of frost-free growing. I grow and sell Georgia Jets which is an early variety need about 90-120 days from transplanted slips until the full size...