Avoid Splashing Leaves with Water or Soil
I know it seems like it would be naturally okay, “rain is good” right? Well, of course rain is good and for some plants, getting the leaves wet isn’t bad. However, most of the time, especially here in Florida with our high heat and humidity water on the leaves causes mildews and blights.

Drip System Irrigation
Soil on the Leaves
Splashing soil on the plants is even worse. Soil is where the bugs come from. When the wet soil gets on the leaves it brings with it bugs and disease. There are a couple of ways to help minimize soil on the leaves. A couple ways to avoid it is:
- mulching with hay (organic of course)
- incorporate drip system irrigation
Mulch should be used in tandem with a drip system because heavy rain can still splash the soil onto the plants. Having the the hay helps keep the soil in place during downpours. You should take care to always trim off leaves that touch the soil or mulch to avoid contamination.
This is why overhead sprinklers are not a good idea.
How do you minimize this issue in your garden?
If you have other suggestions, tips or ideas we would love to hear them. Please share your ideas in the comment area below.