Turnip – Purple Top White Globe


(Brassica Rapa)

Old time favorite dating back to 1885 where it first appeared in a seed catalog.  Round white turnip with tops that turn purple when exposed to the sun while poking out of the ground.  They have beautiful large green tops that make the best turnip greens.  Space close together to produce greens only.  Space 10-12″ for nice large roots. Roots are best when picked about 3″ in diameter.  Best direct seeded Jan. – March and Sept. – Nov.

Ready 65 days for medium size roots.

Ave. 200 Seeds Per Package

17 in stock


(Brassica Rapa)

Old time favorite dating back to 1885 where it first appeared in a seed catalog.  Round white turnip with tops that turn purple when exposed to the sun while poking out of the ground.  They have beautiful large green tops that make the best turnip greens.  Space close together to produce greens only.  Space 10-12″ for nice large roots. Roots are best when picked about 3″ in diameter.  Best direct seeded Jan. – March and Sept. – Nov.

Ready 65 days for medium size roots.

Ave. 200 Seeds Per Package

Here is a great recipe Roasted Turnips with Parmesan


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