Ukrainian Purple


(Lycopersicon lycopersicum)

“aka Russian Purple” Plum shaped fruits 3-4″ long, ave. 6 oz. Great sweet, meaty flavor. Very productive. Low acicity like other purple varieties. Sure to be a favorite. Indeterminate.

Plant out Northern and Central Florida Jan. – March and September

Ready 80 days from transplant.

Ave. 25 Seeds per package

27 in stock


(Lycopersicon lycopersicum)

“aka Russian Purple” Plum shaped fruits 3-4″ long, ave. 6 oz. Great sweet, meaty flavor. Very productive. Low acicity like other purple varieties. Sure to be a favorite. Indeterminate.

Plant out Northern and Central Florida Jan. – March and September

Ready 80 days from transplant.

Ave. 25 Seeds per package


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