Floradade Tomato

(1 customer review)


Solanum lycopersicium

Floradade tomatoes are an heirloom/open pollinated variety developed by the University of Florida in 1976.  They were bred for heat and humidity tolerance with disease resistance to V; fusarium wilt, FF; verticillium wilt, & St; Stemphylium Gray spot leaf.  These are a Must in Florida home gardens and can withstand temperatures 90-100 degrees while producing heavy crops of 5-7 oz. fruits!  Can grow all year if protected from 32 degrees or below.  Great slicer, canning or freezing tomato.

**DISCLOSURE **      The Floradade tomato is producing inconsistent Shapes and sizes of fruit.  The variety must not be stable since created by the University of Florida or is reverting back to some original traits.  They still produce an abundance of tomatoes in high temperatures and are great tomatoes if you don’t mind the inconsistencies.   


I suggest the Homestead Red if you are looking for a tomato with the size of the Floradade and is reliable.  They are also a Florida tomato.

Average 25 Seeds per pack

30 in stock


Solanum lycopersicium

Floradade tomatoes are an heirloom/open pollinated variety developed by the University of Florida in 1976.  They were bred for heat and humidity tolerance with disease resistance to V; fusarium wilt, FF; verticillium wilt, & St; Stemphylium Gray spot leaf.  These are a Must in Florida home gardens and can withstand temperatures 90-100 degrees while producing heavy crops of 5-7 oz. fruits!  Can grow all year if protected from 32 degrees or below.  Great slicer, canning or freezing tomato.

Average 25 Seeds per pack

1 review for Floradade Tomato

  1. Sarah (verified owner)

    Ok another rave tomato review. We started these indoors in January. Zone 9b in the FL panhandle. These are very sturdy and resilient determinate plants. We have gotten an abundance of larger slicing and almost large cherry tomatoes off these plants (go figure). This is the first year of gardening that I’m having to give away and can tomatoes. Definitely recommend

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