Ruby Red Swiss Chard


Beta vulgaris

Aka Rhubarb Chard.  Beautiful plants make a great addition to any garden.  Dark green foliage with ruby red veins and stalks.  These are an all season green which means they grow almost all year long in our climate.  Can withstand light frosts.  Plant out Spring and fall, can use a little shade in the hottest months.  Snip leaves at the base or cut down all of it leaving the base and it will grow more from the middle.  Can be stir fried, used in soups and is an all around delicious green.

Ready 55 days.

Ave. 100 Seeds per package

31 in stock


Beta vulgaris

Aka Rhubarb Chard.  Beautiful plants make a great addition to any garden.  Dark green foliage with ruby red veins and stalks.  These are an all season green which means they grow almost all year long in our climate.  Can withstand light frosts.  Plant out Spring and fall, can use a little shade in the hottest months.  Snip leaves at the base or cut down all of it leaving the base and it will grow more from the middle.  Can be stir fried, used in soups and is an all around delicious green.

Ready 55 days.