Red Creole Onion


Allium cepa

Short day variety for Florida.  Flat round bulbs are good for storage and full of flavor.  Onions take a long time to grow, I start my seeds indoors in mid to end of July.  Plantout when they are as big around as a pencil, usually in September.  Harvest when tops turn brown and fall over.  Cure for 2 weeks for best storage.

Ready 150 days from seed.

Average 100 seeds per package.

37 in stock

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Allium cepa

Short day variety for Florida.  Flat round bulbs are good for storage and full of flavor.  Onions take a long time to grow, I start my seeds indoors in mid to end of July.  Plantout when they are as big around as a pencil, usually in September.  Harvest when tops turn brown and fall over.  Cure for 2 weeks for best storage.

Ready 150 days from seed.

Average 100 seeds per package.


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