

Borago officinalis

Annual herb.  Borage will self sow in the garden.  Attracts pollinators and all parts are edible.  The beautiful flowers and leaves have cumber like flavor and aroma.  Used in salads, stir fries, teas and more.  Also known for its medicinal, and nutritional benefits.  Ready in 60-70 days or so.  

Average 30 seeds per pack

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Growing Borage

16 in stock


Germination:    70° and needs light.  10-15 days

Transplant or direct seed

Thrives in sun, partial shade in warm temperatures.  Hardy zones 2-10.  Does not tolerate frost/freeze

24-36″ high and bushy, space plants 18″ apart

Does best in temperatures 55-75°

60 -70 days to maturity

Click below for more information on Borage

Growing Borage


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