Sorrento Broccoli Raab


Brassica rapa

Broccoli raab, also known as rappini is an Italian favorite!  My family grew up eating this more than regular broccoli.  Rappini has a more pungent taste than broccoli that many have grown to love, I know I do.  Doesn’t grow a head like broccoli but instead individual florets that are harvested with stems and leaves.  Great when stir fried, or in soups, and is a delicious with Italian sausage.  Here in Florida I plant mine after our last freeze in March and again in October – November.

Ready 45 days from seed

Average 100 Seeds per package

19 in stock


Brassica rapa

Broccoli raab, also known as rappini is an Italian favorite!  My family grew up eating this more than regular broccoli.  Rappini has a more pungent taste than broccoli that many have grown to love, I know I do.  Doesn’t grow a head like broccoli but instead individual florets that are harvested with stems and leaves.  Great when stir fried, or in soups, and is a delicious with Italian sausage.  Here in Florida I plant mine after our last freeze in March and again in October – November.  Frost tolerant.

Ready 45 days from seed

Average 100 Seeds per package


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