Roasted Turnips with Parmesean
2017-02-03 09:22:04

Easy way to enjoy fresh garden turnips.
- 2 lbs. (4-5 medium) peeled & cut into bite sized chunks
- 2 Tbl. spoons olive oil
- Salt & pepper to taste
- 1/2 cup parmesan
- 1/4 cup fresh chopped parsley
- Heat oven to 475 degrees
- In large baking dish toss turnips with olive oil, s&p, parmesan and parsley.
- Roast 25-30 min. turning halfway until golden.
- Sprinkle with more parmesan if desired.
- Can add carrots, potatoes or any other root veggies cut the same size. Can also add the greens halfway through.
Growin Crazy Acres https://growincrazyacres.com/