Heirloom Tomato Salad
2014-10-16 12:40:55

- • 1-2 lbs of heirloom, red, purple, orange, yellow tomatoes, diced
- • Stir in 1 diced onion, salt & pepper to taste
- • Stir in extra virgin olive oil, enough to coat.
- • Stir in same amount of red wine vinegar or balsamic vinegar.
- • Stir in 1 1/2 tsp. of dry or fresh basil and 1 ½ tsp oregano
- Mix well. Don’t refrigerate tomatoes, they change texture and loose flavor.
- Mix well and serve!
- ** The tomatoes do not have to be chopped so small, slice, quarter or cut however you would like.
- I also use this for Bruschetta. Either way great with toasted bread slices drizzled with extra virgin olive oil.
Growin Crazy Acres https://growincrazyacres.com/