Sweet Genovese Basil


(Ocimum basilicum)

Annual Culinary herb.  Use fresh in salads, pestos or dry and store.  Pinch tops for fuller plant and to prevent going to seed.  Loves the heat but if grown in too small of a container it can hinder growth.  Tolerates temperatures above 45 degrees.

Ready 12-15 weeks.

Avg. 50 Seeds per package

29 in stock


(Ocimum basilicum)

Annual Culinary herb.  Use fresh in salads, pesto or dry and store.  Pinch tops for fuller plant and to prevent going to seed.  Loves the heat but if grown in too small of a container it can hinder growth.  Tolerates temperatures above 45 degrees.

Ready 12-15 weeks.

Avg. 50 Seeds per package


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